It's tough finding the time to just 'do' you. As women, we all need to take better care of ourselves. I'll be honest, I'm not head over heels in love with this new trend of Self Care and All About Me and Following My Joy becasue frankly there are over 7 billion people on this planet and if we all just followed out own personal joy 100% of the time we would be living in a tremendously selfish and self involved world.
BUT that doesn't take away from the fact that we all need a little down time, for our mental health, our physical health and yes frankly...our skin, hair and nail's health too!!
I love to find pockets of time in the week and make the best out of them even more than I enjoy great expanses of endless time which make me feel like I have to fill them somehow. I think this is partly why I enjoy keeping busy, because then every moment counts. Sure sometimes I can overwhelm myself with my messy, routineless schedule, but that is where creating my own self-care based mini-methods come into the overall CALM MUMMY METHOD routines.
I'm not head over heels in love with this new trend of Following My Joy because...with over 7 billion people on the planet each following their own personal joy we would live in a tremendously selfish world. BUT that doesn't take away from the fact that we all need a little down time...and yes frankly...our skin, hair and nails need it too!!
My favourite pocket of time is Saturday morning when I can get up, pop on a conditioning treatment for my hair and a mask on my face and head downstairs to be with the family. Just the act of taking care of myself in that moment makes me feel better mentally, and yes, when my skin looks plumped and refreshed, that makes me feel good too!
Being a mum in her thirties can be a funny time. Your skin isn't as fresh as it once was, the lines are beginning to show and hello, is that a new grey haired friend appearing up there? It can be a challenge as these aging signs kick in, but if we can give ourselves this moment each week, however small, to take care of our outer shell, then we can head into the weekend and the rest of the week feeling like we have given back to ourselves and that is so important.
There is no pressure on how much or little time you choose to give yourself! The point is to build it in your CALM METHOD routine. If you have more time than me, then feel free to do whatever you fancy in this pocket! Make Saturday morning (or whatever morning suits you best) YOUR time. With a 2 year old in full-on Demand setting, a face and hair mask is as much as I can manage, but why not do your nails, have a bubble bath, moisturise all over, do a fake tan, dye your tresses, pluck your brows, blow dry your hair straight (or curly!)...whatever makes you feel great and do it at least once a week as part of the CALM MUMMY METHOD, and see how much better you feel just by actively CHOOSING to give yourself that little pocket of time.